MarTID – The Global Maritime Training Insights Database
Take the 2023 MarTID Survey Today
The fifth annual global Maritime Training Insights (MarTID) Survey is officially open. The survey continues to capture annual foundational data regarding training budgets, methods, technology, seafarer demographics and more. This year’s special topic is dedicated to how seafarer training is affected as the industry transitions from fossil fuels to carbon-neutral fuels.
There are three targeted surveys:
MarTID Founders

“In a world where mariners – despite being bombarded with the crushing weight of regulatory training and certification requirements – still seem to find trouble in way of collisions, allisions, oil spills and all manners of casualties, it is past time to stop and assess this important part of the global maritime industry. MarTID will lead the way forward.”
“I consider this an immensely valuable initiative. While I see that you have, rightly, a primary focus on STCW training, I hope that, in due course, the database could be expanded to cover wider aspects of the industry.”
“Thank you for the production of the amazing 2018 MarTID report. This is very valuable for the marine shipping industry! We’ll be following your publications closely.”